
Superficial Radiation Therapy

Superficial radiation therapy (SRT) in dermatology is a non-invasive treatment method used to target and treat skin conditions such as basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and non-melanoma skin cancers. It involves the use of low-energy radiation beams to penetrate only the outer layers of the skin, delivering focused radiation directly to the affected area.

Unlike traditional radiation therapy, which penetrates deeper into the body, SRT is designed to target superficial lesions, minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissue. This makes it particularly useful for treating skin cancers on cosmetically sensitive areas such as the face, neck, scalp, and hands, where preserving appearance and function is important.

SRT is typically delivered using a specialized machine that emits low-energy X-rays or photons. Treatment sessions are relatively quick and painless, and most patients can resume their normal activities immediately afterward. Depending on the specific condition being treated, multiple sessions over several weeks may be required to achieve optimal results.

Overall, SRT offers an effective and convenient alternative to surgery for certain skin cancers, with high cure rates and minimal risk of scarring or other side effects. However, it's important for patients to discuss their individual treatment options with a dermatologist or radiation oncologist to determine the most appropriate approach for their condition.

We offer SRT at the Warrenton, Oregon location. If you are interested in learning more about SRT, you can call our Warrenton office or schedule an appointment with us online.